
DICE Brussels conference – final programme

25th October Monday
European Parliament

room 07C50

The morning session consists of three parts: keynote speeches, introduction of the project and demonstrations of educational theatre and drama.
The afternoon session consists of brief inspirational roundtable discussions, each relating to one of the key competencies. Every roundtable will begin with a brief summary of key research findings, followed by the presentation of two-four documented practices and evaluated by a discussion. We plan to have a lively debate in each panel.

9:00 Registration

Chair: Adam Jagie??o Rusilowski, Director for Development, Institute of Education, University of Gdansk

10:00 Keynote speeches
•    Welcome words by Ádám Kósa, MEP, member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, European Parliament
•    Kinga Gál, vice-chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament
•    Jan Truszczy?ski, Director General for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, European Commission

10:45 Introduction
•    What is DICE? - introduction of the project and the Policy Paper (Ádám Cziboly, DICE project leader)
•    Relevance of the DICE project (Attila Varga, senior researcher, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development)
•    Main aspects of the research methodology (Ildikó Danis and Szilvia Németh, leaders of DICE research)
•    Introduction of the Educational Resource (Chris Cooper, editor of the Educational Resource)

11:30 Live illustrations of educational theatre and drama
•    Photo montage of educational theatre and drama activities (edited by Sigma Art Romania)
•    A short interactive exercise with the audience (led by Chris Cooper, artistic director of Big Brum Theatre in Education Company, Birmingham)

12:00 Buffet lunch

Chair: Stig A. Eriksson, leader of the Drama pedagogy Master degree programme, Bergen University College

13:00 Effect of educational theatre and drama on entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity

•    Moderator: Karolina Rzepecka, University of Gdansk, DICE national coordinator Poland
•    Research results presented by Ildikó Danis, DICE researcher
•    Adam Jagie??o Rusilowski presents Documented Practice: A bunch meaning business: an Entrepreneurial Education programme, University of Gdansk and POMOST, Poland; and the Qualitative research: Mantle of the Expert technique for teaching entrepreneurship at the University of Gdansk
•    Ljubica Beljanski Ristic presents Documented Practice: Early Sorrows – drama workshop, CEDEUM, Serbia
•    Filippo Addarii, Executive Director, EUCLID Network, reflects on the discussion

13:45 Effect of educational theatre and drama on communication skills and learning to learn
•    Moderator: Jane Woddis, DICE national research leader, United Kingdom
•    Research results presented by Ildikó Danis, DICE researcher
•    Chris Cooper presents Documented Practice: Suitcase – drama workshop, Big Brum Theatre in Education Company
•    Krisztina Mikó presents Documented Practice: Obstacle Race – theatre in education programme, Kava Drama/Theatre in Education Association, Hungary
•    Jean-Claude Berutti, president, European Theatre Convention, presents ETC’s project “Young Europe – Young Creation and Education in Theatre”

14:30 Coffee break

14:45 Effect of educational theatre and drama on social competences and active citizenship
•    Moderator: Suzanne Prak, Stichting Leesmij, Wageningen
•    Research results presented by Attila Varga, DICE researcher
•    Sietse Sterrenburg presents Documented Practice: The Stolen Exam – Leesmij, Netherlands
•    Irina Pilos presents Documented Practice: The Teacher – Theatre in education programme, Sigma Art, Romania
•    Anne van Otterloo, consultant, Annalin, cultuur en innovatie, reflects on the discussion

15:15 Effect of educational theatre and drama on cultural awareness and intercultural values
•    Moderator: Jane Woddis, DICE national research leader, United Kingdom
•    Research results presented by Szilvia Németh, DICE researcher
•    Katrine Heggstad presents Documented Practice: Seeking Survival – drama workshop, Eventus TIE, Norway
•    Jan Willems presents Documented Practice: Kids for Kids - The Magic Grater, Theatre Day Productions, Gaza, Palestine
•    Leonor Wiesner, Policy Officer - Culture - competition policy and synergies with Education, DG EAC, presents the Open Method Coordination and the working group “Stronger synergies between culture and education” and the relations of cultural awareness competence and the Europe 2020 strategy

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 Educational theatre and drama and the European educational systems
•    Moderator: Chris Cooper, artistic director of Big Brum Theatre in Education Company, Birmingham
•    Research results presented by Szilvia Németh, DICE researcher: main findings about the aims and methodology of drama programmes, the form and structure of drama programmes and the situation of educational drama in the partner countries
•    Roundtable discussion. Discussants:
-    Jan Jaap Knol, Cultuurparticipatie (NL), member of the Open Method Coordination working group “Synergies between culture and education”
-    Malika Benarab-Attou, MEP, member of the Committee on Education and Culture
-    Alicja Galazka, Adjunct Professor and Drama Researcher, University of Silesia
-    Attila Varga, senior researcher, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development
-    Péter Hajdú, high school student, Budapest

17:15 Summary by rapporteurs
•    Patrice Baldwin, President of International Drama/Theatre and Education Association, Chair of National Drama, United Kingdom
•    Andjelija Jocic, Secretary General, CEDEUM Centre for Drama in Education and Art, Belgrade, Serbia
•    Discussion
•    Closing words by Ádám Cziboly, project leader, DICE

18.00 End

142455-LLP-1-2008-1-HU-COMENIUS-CMP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."